Singing Guide: City and Colour

Singing Guide: City and Colour

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

City and Colour is the stage name of Canadian singer-songwriter Dallas Green. As a former member of the post-hardcore band Alexisonfire, Green's solo career showcases his unique vocal style that ranges from soft and mellow to powerful and soulful. In this article, we will explore some practical tips on how to develop a singing voice like Dallas Green's and the Singing Carrots resources that can help you along the way.

Develop Your Technique

To develop a singing voice like Dallas Green's, you must develop proper technique. Working on your vocal range, pitch accuracy, and breathing is essential.

Singing Carrots' Vocal range test can help you determine your vocal range, while the Pitch accuracy test can help you improve your pitch accuracy. The Breathing basics article offers tips on how to breathe properly while singing, and Breath support explains how to support your singing with proper breathing.

Green's unique sound is often attributed to his use of head voice. Voice registers & vocal break article outlines the different voice registers you can use to improve your vocals like Dallas Green. The Chest Voice Explained video provides more information about chest voice.

Practice Your Songs

To sing like Dallas Green, you must be familiar with his music. Search songs by vocal range provides you with a list of songs that match your vocal range. Once you have chosen a song, focus initially on the melody, then work on adding dynamics that match the lyrics' emotions.

The How to learn a song effectively article offers tips on how to approach a song effectively. It's essential to learn to sing with emotion to match the lyrics.

Sing With Emotion

One of the reasons Dallas's voice stands out is his ability to evoke emotions in his listeners. The Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article provides practical tips for singing with emotion.

Use the Relaxing Breath video to control your breathing and calm your nerves before performing. The Stage Tips video offers tips on how to overcome stage fright and deliver a memorable performance.


Learning to sing like Dallas Green is a combination of developing proper technique, practicing your songs, and evoking emotions while singing. Singing Carrots offers numerous resources to help you develop your singing voice, including vocal tests, articles, videos that cover many valuable techniques. Start now and benefit from these resources to sound like Dallas Green.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.